Follow HIM not me.

I could sit around thinking about how this site should look, asking if I have included everything it needs to be complete, wondering if it is organized properly. I could debate on just how it should start and in what order and with what content it should progress. I could procrastinate until it never happens. That is my personality when it comes to writing content.

I love to create, really anything. I build furniture, toys, gifts, and stuff I need around the house. I fix everything if it is at all possible. I grow gardens and artfully manicure my lawn and landscaping. And I love technology. I actually own and run an internet design and service company, so creating and building and fixing are things I have always loved. Writing though, not so much.

As I’m sure you can tell by the pages and content of this site, I’m a follower of Jesus Christ. I’m also getting to be an old man and as I have gotten older, I have become more passionate about sharing the story, the gospel, of my Lord with those I can. It’s not so much that I feel like I have to, it’s that I want to, not only for Him, but because knowing Him has brought me so much joy in my life, and I believe that same joy is available to anyone who comes to know Him.

There is so much unhappiness and discontentment in our world today, even among those who might call themselves Christians. Why is that? Well, it’s because anyone can call themself a Christian. They may very well know all the facts about who Christ is and what he has done. So, what’s the point? To truly be Christian is a matter of faith and surrender, both of which we will eventually delve into.

So, who am I that you should have any interest in my ranting? I’m no one really. I was born in Colorado, moved to Wisconsin then Tennessee then grew up in Missouri. My first job moved me to Georgia and then back to Tennessee, where I still live. I was a good student and above average high school athlete which got me into college where I was a good student and competitive college athlete. I have grown up well versed in behavior I am no longer proud of. No, I haven’t killed anyone, but I have committed sins both big and small that some might say disqualifies me from God’s grace or the glory of heaven.

Well, they would be wrong. I have been forgiven and you can be too! That’s what we’ll be discussing each day on this site. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please email me at the email address below.


Lord, I thank you for your grace and forgiveness. I know I am not perfect and never will be until you finish your work in me. Please guide this site and its message. It must be you who speaks to those who seek you. Open eyes and hearts to receive your message and your grace that they might have faith and find the joy and peace that comes from following you. In Christ’s name I pray. Amen.

Follow HIM not me.

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